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Nuevo Laredo, 30.09.21

experimental electronica

ARCHUTOPIA is a monthly radio show comprised of a series of sonic narratives, essays on the act of dwelling, to inhabit space and time in a nonphysical space as utopias by curated co-creators; sonic reinterpretations of the architectural experiences and social utopia as containers of concepts, arranged by music producers, emergent artist, and architects whose work relate to the sonic realm. Utopia is the nonplace, the aspirational place, the dream place, the place where matter doesn't matter, in which man just for being a man can delight his long life destiny, fulfillment, wholeness. It can go from the microbiological world through concrete intercultural sonic anthropology, all the way to spaceage poetrism.


  • Peter Power - Ambient Storm
  • Eberhard Schoener Nadi
  • Brian Eno - Boomcubist
  • Bjork - Venus as a boy
  • Botany - Agave
  • El Mago - Ikare
  • Zazou/Bikaye/Cy1 (1983) - Eh! Yaye
  • Lucrecia Dalt - Glosolalia
  • Siete Catorce - Somnolencia
  • Zutzut - Ojos negros
  • Ojos finos - Flauta triste
  • Cummi Flu - B
  • Muno - Phosphorus
  • Chöko aba - Kulpto 

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