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Channel 2997 w/ Kozo

New Jersey, 27.10.21

ambient vaporwave

Channel 2997 is a vaporwave radio hour that appears to us for one singular hour during the month through a weak tv signal with unknown origins. This static-riddled signal appears to be from a distant future, where corporations dominate all consumable media. The contents are unknown, the world is unknown, we only know what we hear, we only know what we experience.


  • 波S E R V I C E - ~ ~ D O L P H I N
  • Mick Rudry - 雲
  • desert sand feels warm at night - 変性意識状態
  • FOTOshoppeツ - Λre Yѳu Y2K Cѳmplien7?
  • ACTIONЯƎꟼ⅃AY - December 7th
  • t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 & VAPERROR - 魂の分離
  • alternativeulster - preach
  • b e g o t t e n 自杀 - (pain) - 翅膀
  • WINOISE - Bliss

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