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System Failure: Beyond the female pioneer trope in electronic music? ft. Johann

Toronto, 10.11.21

experimental interview

This episode explores the writing of electronic music history beyond the Anglo-American female pioneer trope through the works of less known women who produced electro-acoustic and electronic music from the 60s to the 90s. Johann Merrich, electronic music artist, independent researcher and sound educator from Italy, author of  A short history of electronic music and its women protagonistsdiscusses the process, challenges and politics of uncovering these histories and the erasure of non-white non-Anglo-American women's work in early electronic experimental and electroacoustic music.


  • Mireille Chamass-Kyrou - Étude I
  • Maddalena Fagandini - Interval Signal
  • Mieko Shiomi Requiem For George Maciunas
  • Teresa Rampazzi - With the Light Pen
  • Elzbieta Sikora - Voyage II
  • Jacqueline Nova -Oposición-Fusión
  • Hilda Dianda - Después del silencio
  • Beatriz Ferreyra - Medisances
  • Vânia Dantas Leite - Di-stances
  • Wang Miao-Wen - Contradiction harmonieuse
  • Interview with Johann Merrich, electronic music artist and author of A short history of electronic music and its women protagonists .
  • Lena Platonos - Salomes Dance

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